Physical Review Research tweet
Physical Review Research shared a paper featuring work by Mauro Mobilia and collaborators via a tweet:
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics of Fluctuating Populations research group webpage
Physical Review Research shared a paper featuring work by Mauro Mobilia and collaborators via a tweet:
Abstract: We study the Lotka-Volterra model for predator-prey competition subject to a periodically varying carrying capacity. The Lotka-Volterra model with on-site lattice occupation restrictions (i.e., finite local carrying capacity) that represent finite food resources for …
Authors: Ami Taitelbaum, Robert West, Mauro Mobilia, Michael Assaf Abstract: Environmental variations can significantly influence how populations compete for resources, and hence shape their evolution. Here, we study population dynamics subject to a fluctuating environment …
Authors: Mohamed Swailem, Uwe C. Täuber Abstract: We study the stochastic spatial Lotka-Volterra model for predator-prey competition subject to a periodically varying carrying capacity. The Lotka-Volterra model with on-site lattice occupation restrictions (i.e., finite local …
In October 2022, Mauro Mobilia, Lluís Hernandez-Navarro, Matthew Asker, and Said Munoz Monterro attended the workshop UMCW06: Microbial communities: current approaches and open challenges. Lluís gave a contributed talk, and Matthew and Said presented posters. …
In September 2022, Lluís Hernández-Navarro presented his work with a poster presentation at the conference “European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology” in Heidelberg, Germany. Here you can find the abstract (below) and the PDF …
In June 2022, Lluís Hernández-Navarro presented his work with a short talk at the conference “Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology and Evolution” in Torino, Italy. Here you can find the abstract (below) and the PowerPoint …
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This workshop will bring together recent developments in collective behaviour from theoretical and empirical research. We hope to explore common ground between data-driven approaches utilising sensor technology and statistical analysis, and the latest mathematical & …